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2023-24 English Edition
After technical and other delays, we have finally published this year's edition of the Family Court Tables! The book is now available for download and we expect to publish the Chinese edition shortly.
We are especially grateful to the Honourable Mr Justice Coleman who has prepared a kind foreword and to the HKLII team for quickly resolving the technical issues arising from the revamp of their site.
2022-23 English Edition
We have published the new 2022-23 edition on 18 August 2022. We are most grateful to our contributors and to Lisa Wong of Charles Russell Speechlys LLP and Chair of the Hong Kong Family Law Association for her kind foreword. The Chinese edition is expected soon.
We invite readers to have a look at all of our new (and updated) content, especially our new updated case law on LGBT families and material on the new “Mainland Judgment in Matrimonial and Family Cases (Reciprocal Recognition and Enforcement) Ordinance”.
2021-22 Chinese Ed. published, and new PDSL10.4
We are very pleased to announce that our Traditional Chinese edition has been published online for our 2021-22 edition on 26 August 2021. We are extremely grateful to Wong Hiu Chong for her hard work translating and editing both versions.
Readers should also be aware that a new Practice Direction SL10.4 - Guidance Note on Case Management and Time Tabling in Children and Ancillary Relief Proceedings. Both the English and Chinese versions of the book include this important new PD.
2021 English Edition published
We have finally published the new 2021-22 edition on 6 July 2021. We are most grateful to our contributors and to the Honourable Mr Justice Mohan Bharwaney SC (ret) for his kind foreword. The Chinese edition is expected soon.
Practice Direction SL9 Update
The Pilot Scheme on Private Adjudication of Financial Disputes in Matrimonial and Family Proceedings as set out in Practice Direction SL9 ("PD SL9") is extended for 3 years from 19 January 2021 to 18 January 2024.
Feedback on 2020 edition
Thank you to all of our readers who wrote to us to express their gratitude for the 2020 edition. We are now planning and preparing for the 2021 edition and would be grateful for your feedback and suggestions.
Please spare us a few minutes of your time to answer this 9-question survey.
This project is for the public and your feedback means everything to us.
2020 print edition

We are very proud to announce the publication of the 1st print edition of Duxbury Etc! Please contact us if you would like to pick up a copy. Copies are also freely available at the Integrated Mediation Office of the Judiciary.
2020 chinese edition & VCF hearings
The 2020 Traditional Chinese online edition of Duxbury Etc, Hong Kong Family Court Tables has been published. We have also updated the English edition.
Go to our "The Book" page to download.
We have also published our first case note on the recent Court of Appeal decision in CSFK v HWH [2020] HKCA 207. This is a very important judgment on video conference facilities for hearings (VCF) with potentially broad impact for family proceedings. Readers may also wish to read the Chief Judge's letter to the Bar discussing 'phase 2' of the Judiciary's VCF plan.
2020 edition published
The 2020 English online edition of Duxbury Etc, Hong Kong Family Court Tables will be published on 23 March 2020 to coincide with the reopening of the courts. The Traditional Chinese online edition will follow shortly in the coming days.
The paperback edition will be made available within the coming weeks and distributed freely through the Integrated Mediation Office of the Judiciary.
Go to our "The Book" page to download.
2020 edition (coming soon)
We are excited to announce that the impending publication of the new 2020 edition of Duxbury Etc.!
The updated edition will be published shortly after the courts reopen (see latest announcement from the Judiciary re adjournment due to 2019 Novel Coronavirus).
In this new year’s edition, we are introducing an entirely new guide to Family Court Forms with hyperlinks to the rules, procedures and forms arranged by subject.
We have also radically reformed our Duxbury Tables (allowing easier calculation of lump sum payments, tailored for Hong Kong’s own economic conditions) to make them more user friendly by issuing a single set of tables based on the formulas approved by the High Court in Chan Pak Ting v Chan Chi Kuen (No 2) [2013] 2 HKLRD 1, [2013] HKCFI 179. While these rates may need updating (and we remain hopeful the courts will create their own Duxbury Committee, as exists in England), they are judicially approved and should be a good starting point for calculations.
The new materials are in addition to updates to our usual material: a Family Law Glossary (explaining the archaic lexicon of the family courts), summaries of the essential Concepts (introducing the fundamental structure of each of the main areas of family law: divorce, children and money), and a list of essential Family Statutes, and our lists of indispensable Family Caselaw and helpful Websites. This year’s edition will also be the first to be published in paperback. As with the online version, the paperback will be published in English and Chinese and distributed to places where unrepresented litigants are more likely to see it.
AM, 11 February 2020
First mid-year update published
Our first update (up to 12 April 2019) has been published (English only).
Go to our "The Book" page to download.
New Practice Directions
The Judiciary has issued the following new practice directions, with effect from 11 February 2019 (hyperlinked):
Practice Direction SL10.1 Guidance - Child Arrangements: Domestic Violence
Practice Direction SL10.2 Guidance Note on Judgment Summons Procedure
Practice Direction SL10.3 Guidance on Setting Aside a Consent Order on Ancillary Relief
These new practice directions will provide important guidance on how the courts will deal with domestic violence allegations, judgment summonses and setting aside financial orders.
2019 edition published
Duxbury Etc, Hong Kong Family Court Tables has now been published as of 23 January 2019 in both English and Traditional Chinese.
Go to our "The Book" page to download.
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